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31 May 2016

Helping Refugees

Would you like to get involved in welcoming refugees to the UK as a church or support an organisation that is? Here is a list of resources, projects and organisations that can help.

The refugee campaign website from the European Evangelical Alliance http://www.eearefugees.org

For Refugees website from the Good Faith Partnership: forrefugees.uk

idea interview with Richard Rook from the Good Faith Partnership: www.eauk.org/idea/russell-rook.cfm

Focus on Refugees website from CTBI: focusonrefugees.org

Bible Society has produced small group resources on refugees and have also published What does the Bible say about refugees? a series of videos from Paula Gooder, theologian in residence. Bible Society: biblesociety.org.uk/explore-the-bible/articles-about-the-bible/what-does-the-bible-say-about-refugees

Refugee resettlement factsheets form the Church of England: churchofengland.org/media/2458919/resettlement_fact_sheet.pdf

Helping unaccompanied children, information from Home for Good: www.homeforgood.org.uk/get-involved/responding-refugee-crisis

The Joint Public Issues Team have compiled a refugee FAQ: www.jointpublicissues.org.uk/download-our-refugee-faq-document

A theological reflection on migrants and refugees from the Mission Theology Advisory Group: ctbi.org.uk/mission-migrants-and-refugees-theological-reflection

Videos on how to take action from the Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe: ctbi.org.uk/ccme-on-refugee-crisis-analysis-and-what-we-can-do

National Refugees Welcome Board, set up by Citizens UK to help co-ordinate the civil response to the refugee crisis. Churches are represented by the Baptist Union, Church of England and Catholic Bishops Conference: www.refugees-welcome.org.uk

Safe Haven? Is a short video on the European refugee crisis and migration from the Jubilee Centre and the Christian Political Foundation for Europe: jubilee-centre.org/refugee_crisis

Welcoming the stranger is a directory of resources from Churches Together in Merseyside http://www.liverpoolasyluminfo.org.uk 

Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees www.sfar.org.uk

A video, Welcome Boxes, will help you organise boxes for refugees, produced by Cinnamon Network www.cinnamonnetwork.co.uk/project/welcome-boxes

If you or your church are already involved in some way with serving refugees do let us know  info@eauk.org