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02 February 2009

Ruth Valerio

Ruth Valerio runs A Rocha's Living Lightly 24:1 initiative. She lives with her husband and two young daughters in Chichester, England. When she's not speaking on the Bible and ethical issues, Ruth enjoys working on her allotment, and minding chickens and pigs.

Here is a taster from Ruth's podcast interview:

What was it that first alerted you as a Christian to environmental issues?

The first thing that I can remember was in my church, probably about 10 years ago. There were a couple of people there who were really interested in environmental issues. Some people listening might remember an initiative called something like God’s Earth (I don’t remember what it was called now) years and years ago, and one of those people was from my church, and they put together a lifestyle audit thing, a tick list you could go through to see how green you are, and you could add up your scores and see how many points you scored at the end. And when I did it, I couldn’t tick a single one of those things. It was obvious stuff now, like recycling glass, using low energy light bulbs, buying locally, that kind of thing. I couldn’t do a single one of them, and I was so horrified - it really acted like a smack. This was really before I began to understand why it was important, but something was telling me that it was. So I thought, actually, I need to do something about this. I set myself the goal of working through this questionnaire until I could tick every single one of them, and realised from the go that I could never achieve it if I tried to do it all at once. And so I decided I would do one thing. When I drove to the supermarket I would take my glass and I would recycle it there. Looking back on it now it sounds so pathetic, but that was the first thing I did! As I did that, I noticed that next to the glass recycling was paper recycling and tin recycling, and so I thought, oh, I could do that at the same time. And then I started to think, what about changing my light bulbs, and maybe I could do this, etc etc…It was like a rolling stone. Once I started, I began to see all these other issues, and I began gradually bit by bit to adopt them and bring them into my lifestyle until they became a normal part of what I did rather than something I really had to think about.