Great Commission is the Evangelical Alliance's evangelism and mission hub for stories that inspire and resources that equip us all to share Jesus.


An initiative to help you reach the world’s largest unreached people group: disabled people - and receive the ministry they have to give.

Engel scale rating

Aimed at people who are further along in their faith journey

The Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization states that over 90% of the world’s disabled people die without ever hearing the Gospel.1 billion disabled people around the world live with the daily challenges of physical, mental, learning or sensory impairment, but are also disabled by social attitudes, injustice, poverty and limited access to resources.Roofbreakers, named after the Luke 5 Bible account, help disabled people to meet with Jesus and serve his church as we all do.Through the Roof will provide you with a Starter kit of ideas, monthly email encouragement, and access to local support networks to make a positive difference to disabled people in your neighbourhood. Roofbreakers enrich church life by ensuring disabled people can belong and contribute to God’s kingdom.Join us to:

  • Build friendships between disabled people and church members
  • Connect disabled people with local Christian-led activities
  • Serve the Church to enable disabled people to participate more fully