Confidently sharing the gospel?
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This research looks at how people became Christians, finding that almost three quarters came to faith before age 20. The report explores what works well in evangelism, as well as the fear factors which hinder us from sharing the gospel. It shows the need for us to build confidence in sharing our faith so that we grasp opportunities rather than shying away. The findings also remind us of the need to intentionally build relationships with non-Christians, and to share the reason behind our good deeds. This means sharing the gospel in a way that defies the negative stereotypes that put many people off Christianity.
We hope churches will find this report interesting and useful for supporting more evangelism. We have also created a free downloadable powerpoint presentation and discussion questions based on the research findings to help both churches and small groups and individuals take a deeper look at some of the issues. You can also read an article linking the findings of this research to our Confidence in the Gospel campaign. The article is available in the January/February 2013 idea magazine, pages 16-17.
The Evangelical Alliance has no plans to put our reports on a bookcase and forget about them. We plan to keep them open, explore the data in more depth and keep talking about how we should respond.
This report was published in November 2012, with the survey conducted in August 2012. More information about the survey is available here. If you have specific questions arising from the reports or need to see more detailed data report please contact our research manager, Greg Smith, at [email protected]