Blue Monday. The name alone evokes a feeling of dread, especially as it falls in January, a month often associated with financial strain after the Christmas break.
New research shows that many are already worrying about being able to afford essential items, and the weight of financial anxiety can feel especially heavy right now. But for me, January now marks a time of reflection, gratitude, and a passion to help others navigate the same financial challenges I once faced.
My story is testament to how, even in the darkest of financial situations, hope and transformation are possible. Following a difficult marriage breakdown, I found myself living in rented accommodation. I had very little left for essentials. My daughter sent money for food, but I still relied on credit cards to live. It didn’t take long for the credit card debt to mount up. In the end I had over £1,000 worth of debt.
Alone and struggling to make ends meet, a chance encounter with a local church was the start of a new chapter. I found that my local church offered a Christians Against Poverty (CAP) money coaching course and I jumped at it. It was instrumental in me getting out of debt. I adopted and stuck to the money coaching budget, and as a result, paid off my credit card debt in ten months. It was lovely to be debt free, and am pleased to say that I’ve never been overdrawn since.
My experience with CAP not only freed me from debt but also deepened my Christian faith, leading me to complete an Alpha course. Eventually, I trained to become a CAP money coach myself, and since then I’ve been running money coaching in my community and even in a local prison. I always say that if just one person turns up, God has drawn that one person. Jesus went after the one sheep – I was that one sheep once!
The ‘Budget not Blues’ campaign, launched by CAP, aims to support those struggling with financial anxiety at this time of year. My personal transformation shows the importance of giving people the practical tools they need to take control of their finances. CAP offers free face-to-face money coaching sessions run at local churches across the UK by over 1,500 trained coaches.
"Even in the darkest of financial situations, hope and transformation are possible"
I often get asked what advice I’d give to people feeling overwhelmed by debt, and I always say be open to being helped and to learn new skills. Practically, I always suggest starting by looking at your income and outgoings and creating a budget – it can seem daunting but it really does help. Building an emergency fund for unforeseen expenses is also useful. But most importantly, don’t ignore the problems – it’s never too late to ask for help!
I remind myself that the Bible says you may not be able to do things in your own strength, but you can do all things when God is with you and helps you (Philippians 4:13). This is why CAP is looking to expand the network of churches we work with to run money coaching, which is such an effective way to engage with, and serve, your wider local community.

John 10:10 promises us that Jesus came that we might “have life and have it abundantly”. For those feeling the weight of financial pressures, especially during this tough time of year, my story is a message of hope that freedom from debt is achievable. And the role of my local church was salvational.
CAP’s money coaching courses provide a lifeline for anyone wanting to turn their finances around, and, like me, discover a path to hope and a new chapter in their lives.
Find out more about free CAP money coaching sessions at

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