Evangelism Health Check Tool

An easy-to-use tool for leaders to gauge how your church feels about sharing the gospel and their evangelism habits.

How does it work?

Use this 5 minute survey in your church service or small group meeting to quickly and easily benchmark your church’s evangelism and people’s confidence in sharing their faith. Then, using the results, and the Talking Jesus toolkit, develop your culture of evangelism’ within your church for the sake of making Jesus known to those in your community.

Talking Jesus
A partnership between Alpha, CV global, the Evangelical Alliance, HOPE Together, Luis Palau Association and Kingsgate Community Church to help the church understand the state of faith in the UK today and share Jesus more effectively.

Printed A5 copies of the 2022 report are now available now on the Hope Together shop – at this link: Hope Shop Talking Jesus report

Visit talk​ing​je​sus​.org to explore more about the research and about how it can help you in sharing Jesus in your community.