News & views

News, comment and thought leadership

Holyrood's response to the coronavirus pandemic

Holyrood's response to the coronavirus pandemic

Looking at the Coronavirus (Scotland) Bill passed by the Scottish Government
Abortion changes in Northern Ireland: My body, my choice?

Abortion changes in Northern Ireland: My body, my choice?

The coronavirus crisis reminds us that we should use our bodies to help others, not harm them
We need public leaders now more than ever before

We need public leaders now more than ever before

The coronavirus crisis has thrust many into leadership roles and changed all of our lives
Government powers for coronavirus must be proportionate

Government powers for coronavirus must be proportionate

Evangelical Alliance responds to new legislation going through parliament
Serving the UK church in this difficult moment

Serving the UK church in this difficult moment

How the Evangelical Alliance seeks to serve the church amid coronavirus pandemic
Heroes and hoarders

Heroes and hoarders

How do we respond when crisis erupts around us?
Coronavirus: a Christ-centred response

Coronavirus: a Christ-centred response

How can the church witness to Jesus Christ even amid the spread of the coronavirus? asks Danny Webster