Andy Palmer

Andy has been the minister of CCB for four years. He got going for the Lord in his early 20s, and after university, he worked for a number of years with students in Durham, before going on to serve as a men’s worker at a church in Dagenham. Having trained at Oak Hill Theological College, he went on to serve St. John’s Downshire Hill, where he was ordained as a minister in the Church of England. He is married to Hannah, and has three children – Chloe, Caleb and Levi.
Hope with hindsight
15 December 2022For example, in Psalm 77, Asaph sings with brutal honesty about his experience of suffering and sleepless nights. But by the end of the song, he finds comfort in recollecting how God rescued Israel out of slavery: “Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen” (77:19). Asaph observes how God decided to take His people, not around the swirling chaos, but through it. With hindsight he also sees what was completely unseeable at the time –…
Read more...Is saving souls all that matters?
24 November 2021One recent scientific study argued that based on our current trajectory, almost all of the world’s coral reefs will be gone by 2050, by which time the ocean may contain (by weight) more plastic than fish. It’s a bleak picture. Apart from a handful of vocal conspiracy theorists, the overwhelming majority of the world’s governments and environmental scientists are in agreement that we, humankind, are the primary cause for this global disaster.
Read more...Jesus, the compassionate job creator
3 June 2021The coronavirus crisis has forced many into unemployment, or long-term furlough, and as a result many more of us have greater awareness and sympathy with people who are unemployed – but sympathy often doesn’t lead to any practical action. As followers of Jesus Christ – people who have been saved not by merit but by grace alone – we must not only view the unemployed in a radically different way, we are also called to respond practically. The Bible has a lot to say about the topic of work, much…