Richard Coton

Richard Coton

Richard is one of CVE Scotland's trustees and committee members. He has worked as headteacher of a large secondary school, as leader of a national education think-tank, and as a member of various Scottish government committees. He is a former secretary of CVE Scotland’s management committee. He loves meeting Christians who support schools in so many creative ways, right across Scotland.

Christianity belongs in the classroom too

9 September 2019The answer is no. But, how can we help pupils make authentic choices about what to believe and what to value? On Monday, 26 August, Scotland-wide charity Christian Values in Education Scotland launched a free online resource based on the three key needs for schools its work has identified. 1. School chaplains and churches need support. The fantastic ideas of some churches need to be shouted from the rooftops. And the brilliant resources they use need to be readily available to everyone. The…