I was raised in Ghana. I attended Presbyterian Boys’ boarding school in the capital city of Accra. During those years, the Scripture Union meetings were vibrant, and I attended as and when, though I hadn’t fully committed to Jesus Christ at the time. Despite occasional inclinations, I hesitated to fully embrace faith.

However, a significant encounter during a Scripture Union-led trip to a crusade at the Accra sports stadium in the 1986/87 school year changed everything!

Following the event, where renowned leaders of faith spoke and offered opportunities to surrender to Jesus, I found myself responding to the call.

Though only a teenager at the time, I felt a stirring in my heart and uttered a prayer of surrender. This moment marked the beginning of my journey with Christ.


Growing up, I struggled with a respiratory disease, and I remember my mother would administer medication whenever I had a crisis. Yet, during the crusade a call for healing prompted me to place my hand on my chest in faith. Miraculously, over time, I experienced complete healing from my afflictions, solidifying my commitment to follow Jesus.

"I felt a stirring in my heart and uttered a prayer of surrender."

However, in subsequent years, I faltered in my faith journey, succumbing to the allure of a lifestyle contrary to my professed beliefs. Addiction to smoking and alcohol consumed me, leading to a reckless and nocturnal existence. Yet, amidst this darkness, a pivotal dream was the precursor to a new journey in Christ.

In the dream, amidst chaos and uncertainty, I saw two groups of people – one at peace, the other troubled. I found myself among the troubled, questioning Jesus, who was on the side of those at peace, why I wasn’t on His side? It was then that the Lord reminded me of times when I had not heeded His word and walked in disobedience to His invitation. The dream shook me to my core, and so on awakening I rededicated my life to Jesus.

This recommitment sparked a radical transformation in my life: passionate about serving in God’s house, I began as an usher and eventually engaged in open-air evangelism, leading others to Christ. Despite scepticism from friends, my steadfast dedication to faith endured.

Around that same time, whilst working alongside my father in our family business, God’s divine intervention spared me from a near-fatal accident. Recognising God’s protection, it galvanised my faith and commitment to Jesus.

Man praying

Not long after that, my parents presented me with the opportunity to further my studies in the UK as a thank you for assisting them in the family business. I accepted after much deliberation at the thought of leaving the confines of my family and community in Ghana.

While studying in the UK, I immersed myself in a vibrant church community, and this gave me the opportunity to serve in various teams and in leadership roles.

Upon completing my studies, I embraced serving God in full-time ministry as a member of staff and subsequently embarked on church planting as a lead pastor in the Buckinghamshire and Midlands areas. This gave me the opportunity to equip teams in the church, teaching and preaching God’s word, and most importantly witnessing people come into transformation by virtue of their relationship with our Lord Jesus.

In the ensuing years, I have had the opportunity to serve in various leadership roles in the body of Christ and I have found it all rewarding though challenging.

Now, as I reflect on my journey, I am filled with gratitude for God’s faithfulness. From the initial encounter at Accra Sports Stadium to the present day, God’s hand has guided me through every twist and turn. It is with humility and thanksgiving that I share my story, acknowledging His grace and mercy throughout.

To connect with Pastor Kwame or find out more about MKCC, visit: mkcc​.org​.uk

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