Your donation will inspire, equip and empower Christians to make Jesus known, and so see many come to faith.
Thank you for considering a gift today.
With your previous support, we’ve just launched the Great Commission website to help Christians talk about Jesus.
But that’s not all we’re doing to make Jesus know this year. If we want to see thousands come to faith, we need to think big. And we need to act now to build upon what has just begun. So we’d like your support today to enable us to:
- equip Christians to speak to people — of every age, stage and style of life — about Jesus, by catalysing and creating new resources and tools for evangelism.
- inspire churches and communities that God is at work to save lives, by producing a new video story and article every week, to change the narrative and show that God is giving new life.
- empower Christians across the UK with all the tools they need to share the good news of Jesus, by going on a Great Commission roadshow of events and speaking engagements, showcasing and releasing this resource for all to use.
- liberate Christians with the knowledge of their legal freedoms to speak of their faith in work and other contexts, by distributing the Speak Up booklet.
So will you join us today in making Jesus known? Could you give a gift that will inspire and equip Christians to share their faith and talk about Jesus?