Berlind Fellermeier

Andy Frost's book Long Story Short has got me thinking

8 October 2018In his beautiful, yet simple, book Long Story Short, Andy Frost combines enjoyable stories with vignettes from his life and Christian instruction to encourage the reader to think bigger than their own life’s journey. He leads us from the narrow, insignificant confines of our own stories without God to the fact that with God our stories are part of a much bigger, better story. We live in a society that promotes a focus on oneself, but in this countercultural book, Andy urges us to think about…


Embryo editing: a societal problem?

20 July 2018This week the Nuffield Council on Bioethics published a report entitled 'Genome editing and human reproduction', where it set out to answer the question: why might heritable human genome editing be understood as a valuable and worthwhile response to a societal problem? The conclusion it reached was that editing the DNA in a human embryo is "ethically acceptable". We can agree that, in an ideal world, there would not be illness or suffering of any sort – physical, mental or emotional – and a…