
Beulah Olisanekwu

Beulah recently graduated from the University of Exeter with a BA Liberal Arts degree, but because no one ever seems to know what "Liberal Arts" is, let's just say she studied Sociology and Politics with a little bit of Biblical Hebrew on the side. She has had experience serving within Christian student societies and enjoys regularly helping out with the children's ministry at church. Beulah recently started learning the Korean language, and now spends much of her free time watching "Hello Counselor" or cheesy K-Dramas. Beulah will be starting the Teach First training programme in June 2020, and is excited to begin her journey into teaching and education.

Has God changed Kanye West's tune?

31 October 2019Then, at the end of September, I heard that Kanye would now only produce gospel music instead of the secular music he became famous for. Again, my initial reaction was "yeah, right – a man who mocked Christ and made music about all sorts of profane things, could be saved and would only produce music that glorified the name of Jesus?” It was almost as if I had forgotten about the miraculous transformation of the man in Acts 9, who once destroyed all those who called upon Jesus’ name, but then…