Carla Jacobs

Carla joined the Evangelical Alliance in October 2021 on the graduate scheme as the One People Commission (OPC) assistant, upon achieving her degree in music and psychology. She re-joined as the OPC assistant in September 2022 as a permanent member of staff. Carla has always played an active role in her church community, channelling her passion for music, travel and people through youth and student leadership, local and national youth worship teams, and her missions work in the UK and abroad. Carla enjoys engaging in events and projects that encourage her love for all things creative.
The UK's first mainstream gospel festival
31 August 2023Omedeyi, is the music director at the Liverpool Lighthouse, a National Portfolio organisation for Arts Council England, where she is involved in developing a National Gospel Music Centre. In 2015, she left her profession as a barrister to commit to directing her local church gospel choir where they sang and ministered beyond the four walls of the church. Through this, she then began to develop her skills in vocal coaching, music directing and songwriting where she worked alongside various…
Read more...Hope for the intercultural church
19 December 2022So how do we define what it means to be an intercultural church? Well, quite simply put, it is the uniting of different cultures, backgrounds and languages through the uniting of diverse Christian communities. Although the UK is often referred to as ‘multi-cultural Britain’ there seems to be a significant number of churches that do not reflect this reality. Segregated or just separated? The UK has a history of racial injustice that runs deep. The conversations that I have had with my late…
Read more...Intercultural worship: praise beyond borders
11 March 2022Christians all over the world have developed and honed their own way to worship – for many, it is witnessing a symphony of multiple instruments, perhaps a seven-piece band with a stage full of energy and fire for the gospel. For others, it is the gentle sound of a soloist singer accompanied by the whispering chords of an acoustic guitar. However we choose to worship, we should be aware of the huge influence of surrounding cultures. Often, when the word ‘worship’ is mentioned, most of us jump to…
Read more...Developing, exercising and celebrating multi-ethnicity in a united church
31 January 2022What’s the secret to unity? No two parts of the body are the same and each part has an important function that we need to survive. We can apply this analogy to ourselves too – we each have a unique character and specific role that adds value and significance to the bigger family of God. “Yes, there are many parts, but only one body. The eye can never say to the hand, ‘I don’t need you.’ The head can’t say to the feet, ‘I don’t need you.’ (1 Corinthians 12:20) Having a diverse community in…
Read more...Highlights from the Christianity, climate and race event
25 October 2021In light of the recent IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report warning us that people have caused unprecedented and irreversible change to the climate, coupled with the social outrage resulting from the death of George Floyd, the church is strongly urged to consider: What might God be saying to the UK church, in its breadth of diversity, about our involvement in bringing about climate justice? To explore this question, the Evangelical Alliance's One People Commission (OPC)…