Dr Sarah Williams

Dr Sarah Williams

Dr Sarah Williams is devoted to telling the story of the church to diverse audiences all over the world. She trained as an historian at the University of Oxford where she later taught British and European political and cultural history from 1685 to 1939 and supervised graduates working on 19th- and early-20th-century religion and culture in the British context. In 2005 Sarah moved to Vancouver, Canada, where she taught the History of Christianity at Regent College. She has written and edited numerous articles and books, including the acclaimed monograph Religious Belief and Popular Culture 1880-1939 (OUP). When Sarah is not writing, she is reading – history books and literature. She lives with her husband Paul in the Cotswolds. She is an active supporter of the pioneering Venn Foundation in New Zealand, and she returns regularly to teach at Regent College. Sarah leads the ‘Tracing the narrative of Christian involvement with culture and society through history’ session on the Public Leader: England course.

Public leadership: Look back to go forward

2 September 2019Surely, it is the present that leaders need to understand not the past? But, what if we understood history as a vital matter of identity? What if history were a necessary part of generating a rich missional imagination for what public leaders might achieve today? For the last 2000 years Christians have been creative designers of cultures. They have been active agents of socio-cultural critique, bringing to light moral contradictions, sexual exploitation, and human degradation. They have…