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Rose Lynas

Rose is passionate about the Old Testament and thinking deeply about important things. She is trained as a pharmacist and continues to work part-time in a hospital setting, and has previously worked at the Jubilee Centre and edited Votewise. She completed a masters in theology at Regent College, Vancouver, and was accepted by Cambridge for a PhD. She is married to Peter Lynas, is involved in Causeway Coast Vineyard church and spends most of her time organising her two children.

Being Human: Listening to voices not valued

21 January 2022I would guess that if you are reading this you are a human, though I haven’t completely given up on the notion of literate animals (they probably find what we write to be so inane they have largely dismissed us). I suspect that our confusion about what it is to be human partly arises from our desire to define it. A human is a wild creature. We would perhaps get closer to its nature, at least as part of our enquiry, by gently listening and curiously watching. Many humans, tragically many much…