Stefan smart

Stefan Smart

My name is Stefan Smart, actor and storyteller. Years ago I had a big dream, a dream which is actually coming true… I imagined taking one of the greatest stories ever told, the Gospel of Mark, and performing it as it was originally intended – live and in one sitting. I first got involved in acting while at university, and decided this could be my career path when I saw the impact of those stories on my listeners. My passion is to reach those outside the church with a timeless story that’s bound to change lives, and to bring a fresh telling of the gospel to believers.

Actors: worship leaders or evangelists?

24 February 2021The main motivation for my performances as an actor has always been to share Jesus. I simply want to tell the greatest story ever told to as many people as I can, whether they happen to be know Jesus already or not. As I've begun to do this, I've witnessed some incredible responses. Busy shoppers stop to watch, and natural conversations start from simple questions such as, “what did you think of the performance?” or, “what did you think of the main character?”. In one early street performance,…