Women Arise Ministries (WAM) Global began in 2004, and was birthed through prayer and the leading of the Holy Spirit, to love, build and encourage and support the spiritual and emotional needs of women of all denominations and to allow those who do not know Jesus the opportunity to see His love in action.

We strive to cater to the whole person, spirit, soul and body, because God wants us well in every area of our lives. Our empowerment meetings are used as a catalyst to bring healing, restoration and knowledge to women irrespective of age, race and culture. Through our presentations, listening and prayer service, women are encouraged and empowered to face their challenges and embrace change. The feedback received has been heartening and makes what we do meaningful:

  • I feel loved.”
  • Although I came by myself, I did not feel alone.”
  • Having the space to speak has helped me.”
  • I feel I have a voice.”

Prayer is one of the heartbeats of WAM, so annually our first meeting in all our locations is our Women’s Prayer Breakfast, where we galvanise Christian women to come together and pray the heart of the Father for our families, churches, community and the nations.

God never shows us the full picture of what He has planned for the next chapter. In 2021, I heard the Lord say, it’s time to move the WAM office out of my home. I started to research the cost of an office to present the figures to the board of trustees, but a decision was made that it would be too costly. Although disappointed, I knew what I heard, so continued to seek God. Within a week, we received a donation of £500 from one of our regular attendees, then another £500, then £1,000 and so on until we had over £4,000 from different donors, to cover the office rent for a year. Two and a half years later, praise God, we are still here!


WAM now run several community projects, encouraging families, male, female and children from different cultures and backgrounds, through our weekly feeding programme (Come Dine With Me). It’s an outreach for families who are struggling to make ends meet and need to utilise our listening service SPACE’ that supports the wellbeing of women in the community as well as our Black young women social action project, Rise Up & Walk.

Resilience is a key attribute to surviving and thriving in our walk with Christ. God has shown us throughout scripture how to stand against all odds. We are surrounded by a great cloud of witness who has shown us that we can run the race of perseverance if we keep our eyes on Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.

"Walking in the will of God is not always easy but possible through His grace."

My personal testimony of answered prayer

Walking in the will of God is not always easy but possible through His grace. In 2014, whilst studying for my degree and preparing for our women’s time out with God to Portugal, my youngest son had a horrific motorbike accident four days before our departure. I received a call informing me he was not breathing. My immediate response was to cry out to God to not let him die. Five minutes later I received a call to say he is breathing and on his way by air ambulance to hospital. Every emotion in my body was instructing me to not go to Portugal but I knew in my heart I had to go, as I heard a small voice say, you take care of my business and I will take care of yours,” and then my eldest son confirmed that God wanted me to go. With a heavy heart and much tears and the disapproval of Marcus and many others, I walked in obedience to God. It was in Portugal, that God revealed to me, that because of my cry to Him, He did not let him die. What a Mighty God we serve! 

Marcus, as a result of his injuries is classified as a quadriplegic, but is doing more with his life now than before his accident. He is a GB athlete and a is testimony to others that with God all things are possible. 

I am spurred on by God’s faithfulness everyday and the vision to love, build and encourage through my ministry. 

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