Hope into Action enables churches to give the homeless a home.

Hope into Action work with rough sleepers, former prisoners, former sex-workers, those in recovery from addictions, refugees, asylum seekers and those released from modern slavery. 

Hope into Action provide training, support, advice, investments and partnership so churches can be brilliant at supporting the homeless and the vulnerable.

To me, Hope into Action is a charity which takes chances on the people no one else will; an organisation which never gives up; a network of staff and churches who want to walk alongside people through the swampy mess, and not simply welcome them on the banks of acceptability. 

Hope into Action personifies the heart of God, becomes Jesus-with-skin-on to those who can’t find or trust the invisible God. I am privileged, proud, and forever grateful to be connected to such a group of people; for them taking a chance on me and always holding on to hope even when I could not.” — a former tenant of Hope into Action