Mercy Ships sails the largest charitable hospital ship in the world – crewed almost entirely by church volunteers!

For 2000 years, the Church has followed the model of Jesus, by loving the poor and serving the sick. Christians founded the first hospitals, pioneered colleges of nursing, and established schools for deaf and blind children. We follow in the footsteps of Church heroes and history makers; legendary names like Wilberforce, Fry, Nightingale, and Booth. Today, Mercy Ships sails the largest charitable hospital ship in the world – crewed almost entirely by church volunteers! We follow the model of Jesus’, helping the blind see, lame children walk and outcasts return home with dignity.
Mercy Ships are passionate about seeing churches use their talents to show they care ‘with flair’. Whatever your hobby or creative passion is, you can use it to bring healing to the poor, whilst having fun with others in your church.
‘HOW WILL YOUR CHURCH MAKE HISTORY’ is a brand new church resource that’s perfect for home groups, Sunday Services and youth outreach. It will also help you engage your local community on issues of poverty and social justice. Together, we can eradicate diseases of poverty in West Africa. Are you ready to make history?
“I’ve never seen my children’s faces and I haven’t seen my wife for nine year. Because of Mercy Ships, I can see my family, read my Bible again and tell my village that Jesus is Lord! – a Mercy Ships patient.
“Mercy Ships is utterly essential and is genuinely making an incredible difference in our world. Every single patient is prayed for before their surgery. They truly are living examples of when Jesus said: ‘Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ — Gavin Calver, director of mission at the Evangelical Alliance
“We see people who have no way of getting help, and I just want them to know that they’re loved.” — Kirstie Randall, a volunteer nurse on board the Africa Mercy hospital ship