Both Lives is a collaborative movement of individuals and organisations from diverse social, political and religious backgrounds.
"“In every pregnancy, there are at least two lives: a woman’s, and her baby’s – forever biologically and relationally connected. Both of those lives always matter. A culture that tells women that they can only thrive when they have the ability to terminate their children at will has a long way to go when it comes to equality, compassion and progress.”"
Both Lives UK Lead

Both Lives UK Lead
We began in 2017 as a campaign co-founded by the Evangelical Alliance in Northern Ireland and now exist as a UK-wide initiative of the Evangelical Alliance.
Our starting point in every pregnancy is to emphasise that both lives always matter. This profoundly simple core value helps us respond to and speak about the difficult and contentious issues of pregnancy crises and abortion. We reject all harmful ways of thinking that pit a pregnant woman against her unborn child. We stand in solidarity with both, championing laws which protect both, and advocating for the best care which serves both. We embody a compassion which is practical and creative. We challenge ways of thinking that present abortion as the solution – ‘treating’ symptoms while leaving systemic and structural causes unresolved.
The most fundamental of all human rights is the right to life, a cornerstone of our existence. Abortion, the termination of an unborn life, conflicts with this right and is an incredibly sensitive issue for individuals, families and society. It touches upon our identity, relationships and beliefs – things we all care about deeply. It cuts to the heart of the ideas we hold about what it means to be human, free and equal. Abortion policy is complex and increasingly shaped by ideologies and opinions rather than evidence. However, the impact of various factors cannot be ignored – medicine and biology, law, broader culture, human rights and responsibilities, education, economics, religion and philosophy. The current public debate, if it happens at all, is increasingly polarised and too often does not serve the complexity of the issue well. In such polarising debates, women and their unborn children, who are most affected by abortion, become a secondary focus, as voices get louder, and debates become more volatile.
We don’t claim to have an easy solution to hard ethical dilemmas, but we do have hope for a better, more human way forward. A way that respects, protects, and includes both lives. This is too important to fight through a culture war. It’s time for a new conversation – we’d love for you to join us.
WE STAND TOGETHER from every background, all faiths and none – we all have a role in valuing both lives.
WE STAND WITH women and unborn children, calling for world-leading support, services and legislation that seeks to protect the lives and health of both women and unborn children.
WE STAND FOR a life-affirming culture and the recognition and protection of every human life.
Meet the team
Dawn McAvoy
Both Lives UK lead
Lisa Barr
Northern Ireland administrator and Both Lives research and communications assistant
What does it mean to be pro-both?
We are pro-both lives in every pregnancy: the woman and her unborn baby. So, we advocate and work to build a more caring society that values the lives and health of women and unborn children and pursues the wellbeing of both.