Creating a culture that is pro-both lives requires us to step out of our comfort zone. We must be emboldened to speak out and stand up for both lives, walking with women and supporting them through the crisis many face in pregnancy.

Being pro-both means more than saying no” to abortion. We must also say yes” to life. To do this, we speak to government and society about the wrongs of abortion. Will you join with us? Are you a student or teacher, a church or youth leader, a healthcare professional, or a concerned citizen?

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We are so pleased that you are interested in supporting the work of Both Lives. We are a movement involving a number of charities and our giving is processed by one of those charities (Evangelical Alliance) enabling us to claim gift aid if you are a UK tax payer. You will be taken to the Charities Aid Foundation site who process payments for hundreds of UK charities. The process should take no more than five minutes.

You can fill in the Charities Aid Foundation giving form below.