Being pro-both is so much more than saying no to abortion. It's about a culture that affirms life, laws that protect life and services that enable life.

Service providers play a crucial role in helping expectant and new mums, their babies and their families. Our current website lists service providers in Northern Ireland (some operate across the UK). 

We are hoping to build a list of service providers across the UK.

Both Lives believes that women, unborn children and families deserve the best care pathways in pregnancy.

Pregnancy can bring a rollercoaster of emotions and if pregnancy has been unexpected or brings with it external concerns, worries or even complications, these emotions may be heightened.

Both Lives wants to highlight the care and support services currently available to women, their partners and families. The services we are signposting to on this page range from counselling provision, to practical and emotional support. We will be continuing to update this page as we make links with more service providers so keep checking the page regularly.

Both Lives is not a direct service provider when it comes to pregnancy crisis care. We only signpost to organisations who we have spoken to and who have given permission to be included on this signposting page. The counselling services referred to offer accredited, non-directive counselling.

So while Both Lives is not responsible for the services provided by these organisations we have taken every effort to ensure women, unborn children and their families receive the best care possible.