Applications now open for 2024-25
This is a 10-month leadership development journey that equips and encourages Christians like you to intentionally and strategically take the lead so that you can make a difference wherever you are. We have all experienced the shaking our society has suffered over the past few years. But in this moment, as we take stock and prepare for what might be next, we know we have a real need for Christians to step up and serve in the wisdom and power of God.
The Public Leader programme is for young professionals and emerging leaders serving in a variety of vocations or roles, because we want to see every aspect of our culture transformed by the good news of Jesus. Whether your interests lie in the creative, civic, financial, community or elsewhere — as long as you want to know Jesus more deeply, serve Him more fully and see His kingdom come wherever you are — we want to hear from you.
Three 24-hour retreats will take place across the year at Burrendale Hotel, Newcastle:
- 18 – 19 October 2024
- 24 – 25 January 2025
- 13 – 14 June 2025
Each retreat will focus on different aspects of discipleship, leadership and cultural analysis.
In addition to the residential weekends, participants will be invited to take part in visits to various cultural, business and political institutions throughout the programme. These visits allow you to meet leaders in their context, and to understand some of the spheres that shape Northern Irish culture.
We will also hold online evenings together with Public Leadership participants from across the four nations, hearing from and engaging with Christian leaders across different sectors. They will take place on the following dates:
- 1 October 2024
- 14 January 2025
- 15 April 2025
All participants are paired with a mentor for the year. Throughout the year, participants will have the opportunity to delve deeper into all aspects of the programme through one-on-one conversations with their mentor.
Alumni network
After the programme, participants will be invited to join our wider alumni network – a community of all those who have been involved in the programme as participants, mentors and speakers. The network has a number of different online and in-person events each year, bringing leaders together locally and nationally.
Standard fee: £695
We encourage participants to consider approaching their workplace or church for support. A limited number of bursaries are available to help those who need financial help. Please discuss this with us at the interview stage.
More information
For more information about Public Leader: Northern Ireland, please email publicleadership@​eauk.​org