The newly formed Northern Ireland Assembly is one month in and appears to be off to a good start.

There are positive signs from the first minister and deputy first minister as they demonstrate that they are leaders for all the people of Northern Ireland. Michelle O’Neill, the nationalist first minister will attend a Northern Ireland football match at Windsor Park for the first time, a place and sport that have traditionally been associated more with the unionist community. 

It is also very encouraging to see the Assembly meeting for plenary sessions to debate the issues that really matter to people in Northern Ireland and the work of scrutiny going on in committee meetings. This is the normal work of government, and we welcome this return to normality. 

This week, we launched the Good News People research which is a report on evangelical Christians here in Northern Ireland. What we learn from the report is that Christians care about a range of issues and are engaged in talking about them and bringing about change for good. With this in mind, I would love more Christian leaders to find out how Stormont works and how to get involved in shaping some of the decision-making here. I encourage Christians to join me for the Assembly Connect event this week, hosted by NICVA, specifically for people of faith. 

Check out the details in the link below and sign up for free to attend:

Faith: Assembly Community Connect Visit to Stormont Buildings | NICVA