Laurence Singlehurst

Laurence Singlehurst is a director at Cell UK, which he founded more than 20 years ago. He has a passion for equipping churches to reach their communities, with an emphasis on friendship evangelism. Laurence is also on the board and leadership team of HOPE, chairman of Westminster Theological College, and he is a board member of several other charities.
Simplifying the online small group
17 April 2020This is how it works Presence The group time starts with someone doing an act of presence, reminding us of God’s presence amongst us, perhaps with a spiritual thought, or a brief Bible study, or an uplifting story of God at work, or maybe a short video clip. Pressure This aspect entails each member of the group being invited to share the pressures they are facing. We did this in my group yesterday and all of us, like many people at the moment, were facing difficulties regarding the current…