
Personal evangelism>Stories

Tools to help you in your personal witness

Displaying 1-9 of 23 results found.

Jamie's Story

Jamie's Story

Stuck in a cycle of addiction, he hit rock bottom and started thinking about taking his own life. It was then that he met a friend who told him about Jesus.
Beth's Story

Beth's Story

Beth knew she wanted more from life, so was prompted to explore who Jesus is while at university
Ram's Story | Simply Eat

Ram's Story | Simply Eat

Coming from a multi-faith background, Ram couldn't believe that God would offer to eat with him
Asha's Story

Asha's Story

After going into church to sell drugs, the support Asha received empowered her to give up drugs and give her life to Jesus instead
Duncan's Story

Duncan's Story

Waking up after another drunken night, Duncan decided to read his bible and his life was never the same again...
Natalie's Story

Natalie's Story

Natalie knew she was looking for something, but didn't know where to find it until a friend invited her to church
Danni's Story

Danni's Story

Danni grew up in a family entrenched in occult beliefs. Watch how she came to follow Jesus.
Margaret's Story

Margaret's Story

After a 5% chance of survival, Margaret shares Jesus through her miraculous story of healing
Sanjay's Story

Sanjay's Story

As a biochemical engineer, Sanjay thought Christians had bizarre and unfounded beliefs, until he met some and investigated further...