Great Commission is the Evangelical Alliance's evangelism and mission hub for stories that inspire and resources that equip us all to share Jesus.

Frontline Sundays

Five service plans with companion short films, sermon notes, activities, small group studies, and giveaways.

Imagine what would happen if every Christian looked around at the people they spend their days with and asked God: how do you want me to be good news to the people here today? Frontline Sundays is everything you need to lead five Sunday services that will affirm, celebrate, and inspire your congregation for everyday mission, wherever they are. The five frontline services: 

01) All the difference in the world: Despite being a minority, we can make all the difference in the world.

02) Wherever we are: We all have a frontline – a place where we encounter people who don’t know Jesus.

03) Whatever we do: The ​‘work of our hands’ matters to God.

04) Whoever we are: We are first and foremost sons and daughters of God. Our life on the frontline flows from this identity.

05) Together we grow: When we gather together we build one another up, to have a continued impact on our frontlines.