Research shows that 80% of Christians struggle to share their faith. Just under half of those surveyed said they were hesitant because they didn't have enough close relationships with non-Christians, and 25% surveyed revealed they are discouraged through fear of rejection. The i61m app is designed to build confidence by helping you to set goals that make the thought of sharing the good news less daunting and more achievable.

Our mission is to see every church, every ministry and every Christian confidently sharing life, faith and Jesus. 

The main function of the i61m (Isaiah 61 movement) app is that the user can set their own goals. They name a person, set a goal and give it an end date. The simpler the steps, the better. These goals help you lean into and be more intentional about sharing your faith and gaining confidence throughout the journey.

Gavin Calver, CEO at the Evangelical Alliance, says, We are delighted and excited to be one of the founding strategic partners of i61m. It is a vital ministry for this time. Our recent research showed that the major reason people don’t share their faith is that they don’t have any non-Christian friends. John and the team are developing many exciting ways to help with this and make the sharing of our faith and fostering of new friendships so simple and powerful. I am totally behind what they are doing, helping the church to reach the least, the last and the lost.”

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The app creates opportunities in our normal day-to-day lives to build relationships and connections with others. It also contains videos, encouragement, prayers and lots of useful group guides, and in-depth information to share with your church leaders. The group element of the app brings prayerful and community support along with some gentle accountability. 

Two users of the app posted: 

I completed a goal by inviting a friend to our men’s curry night last Friday and introducing him to friends from church… he thoroughly enjoyed himself and got on well with the guys!”

Hey guys, wanted to say that since last night I was encouraged to share my faith a bit more boldly today at the foodbank. Instead of just going from food parcel to food parcel I took the time out to share a prayer testimony with a chap who was interested in how Christians pray. It seemed to be a fruitful conversation, I’m encouraged.”

We have so many partnerships – Stewardship, CAP and the Evangelical Alliance are founding partners and over the last two years we’ve been working with many streams such as Ground Level, Elim, New Wine, Apostolic Church, Prayer 24/7, are already engaging with TLG, Cinnamon Network, Churches Together England and many more. We are developing ways of working with many other ministries to ensure we play our part in the mission to help Christians share Jesus more effectively. Churches and individuals who took part in the trials continue to use our i61m app and resources to build a rhythm of sharing life, faith and Jesus within their congregations.

"Stats show that you’re far more likely to achieve something you’ve set out to do if you set a date and share it with someone."

Remember, you don’t have to go it alone. Meet together in a Christian group, with your mates, colleagues or church family or join one of our regular i61 live online meetings. 

Stats show that you’re far more likely to achieve something you’ve set out to do if you set a date and share it with someone. 

You don’t need to wait for a miracle to share Jesus, opportunities are already in our daily life. Pray for guidance – who is God putting on your heart? Relax and enjoy the journey – ultimately, you won’t bring people to faith, the Holy Spirit will.

It’s FREE to everyone, everywhere and we rely on the generosity of people giving regularly to the movement. Search i61m on app stores or visit i61m​.org