Search results for Phil Knox

Displaying 1-15 of 67 results found.

10 minutes with... Phil Knox

Tell us a little bit about yourself I’m an enthusiast – which I found out recently means ‘God inspired’, which I love. I love my family – I’m married to Dani and we have two boys, Caleb and Jos. I’m happiest when sat around the firepit, surrounded by friends, family and laughter, drinking…

3 April 2023
Nicola Morrison

Let the mission to reach young adults begin

I still don’t feel like I’ve been out of the education system long enough to have escaped the feeling that, in September, something new happens. Memories of emerging from long summer holidays into an autumn term, armed with a new pencil case, bag and good intentions to make this new school year or…

5 September 2018
Phil Knox

Friends, Romans & collaboration | Authors' conversation: Phil Knox and Andrew Ollerton

Find out more about Phil's book: The Best of Friends Find out more about Andrew's book: Romans: A Letter That Makes Sense of Life

Finding the ‘missing generation’

If only I were able to tell you that we all had spent the last couple of decades doing just that. Today, I don’t know where most of my peers are at in their walk with Jesus, but I do know there are only a handful of us still going to church. Zoom out from this snapshot and see a wider panorama…

29 April 2019
Phil Knox

Praying for strangers: good news people in one-off encounters

It all started with a dream. A friend texted to tell me he had a dream in which I was sharing faith with strangers. Up to that point, these encounters had been few, but this encouragement felt like God nudging me to step out in a new way. I regularly run and walk around my community, and one…

16 June 2021
Phil Knox

Andy Murray: lessons from a sporting great

In the depths of winter, amidst the frosty mornings and shortened hours of daylight, it can be difficult to remember the feel of the British summer. But, if you close your eyes for a moment, you can take yourself there, to the smell of burgers sizzling on a barbeque, the sight of morning sunlight…

17 January 2019
Phil Knox

The church is the hope for a hurting generation

These days, I barely go a day without checking news sites or current affairs and sports finding me as I thumb through social media feeds. And as the flickering pixels hit my eyes, there are some stories that make me laugh, some that make me feel warm inside, and others that provoke nothing more…

11 February 2019
Phil Knox

Spoiler alert... Jesus wins

Caleb is growing up in an age when entertainment is instant. He cannot fathom a time when there were four TV channels, a few hours of children’s TV a day, and ‘on demand’ viewing consisted of putting a black box full of tape into a machine and listening to it whir as it wound to the start of the…

2 May 2019
Phil Knox

Reaching young adults: a journey of hope, not despair

Growing up at a time of global instability in the wake of a digital revolution was always going to make sociological and cultural waves. The effect of these are identified and analysed in a huge piece of research released on Tuesday by Barna Group and World Vision. Faith for the Future surveyed…

11 September 2019
Phil Knox

The contagiousness of hope

The conversation in coffee shops, colleges, corner shops and the corridors of power is how to stop it spreading – because powerful things spread. And they do so most potently and quickly through networks of relational connection. 2014 saw an outbreak of the Ebola virus that tragically killed many…

10 March 2020
Phil Knox

Three reasons why right now is the best time to share your faith

First, the extremity of the change it’s made to my life. My days and weeks used to have tangible, recognisable markers, familiar rhythms and reassuring milestones. School runs, work routines, takeaway on Friday, football on Saturday, church on Sunday; these are the sort of landmarks that have…

25 March 2020
Phil Knox

Welcome to 7 Conversations

I remember reading the Evangelical Alliance’s 2009 resource The Missing Generation with a heavy heart. It found that between 1985 and 2005 the numbers of those in their 20s attending church on a Sunday more than halved. At the time I was part of that age group and grieved for my own…

10 June 2021
Phil Knox

Three must-reads for leaders of young adults and young adult leaders

1. Changing Shape: The Faith Lives of Millennials (2020: SCM Press) Ruth Perrin is an outstanding thought leader in this area. She brings a distinctive balance of high level academic insight and years of experience as a practitioner working with students and young adults in a local church…

10 June 2021
Phil Knox

Talking Jesus: Four things we can do to help more people become Christians

Discovering how people get somewhere is of great value. It means you invest your time and resources more wisely. There are reasons why the paths most trodden offer the least resistance. And my favourite pathway is the one that leads to Jesus. I am desperate to know how He finds people. That’s why…

1 June 2022
Phil Knox

Why I'm celebrating International Friendship Day

Have you ever wondered what makes friendship so wonderful? The power of friendship is atomic. We were created to connect, crafted for community, designed with unity in mind. When God created the cosmos and its custodians, eight times He declared that “it is good.” The first thing that He finds to…

28 July 2022
Phil Knox