We are created beings beautifully made in the image of a good personal God who loves us and has endowed us with dignity and value.
All human beings are made in the image of God, endowed with dignity, value and worth. The entire world belongs to Him. God also calls Christians to love their neighbours. But our mandate to love and care for our neighbour isn’t limited to our national borders or to people we know or connect with. We are called to care about situations beyond UK borders and to engage with UK Government policy relating to foreign affairs, international development and the environment, prioritising and remembering the people effected by policies and politics.
Whether directly impacting Christians in other countries, issues of human rights or the treatment of the environment, we push for policies and laws that align with God’s desire for justice and compassion. Similarly, we will speak out against changes to foreign policy that oppose God’s good design for the treatment of people and the planet – both in the public square and in corridors of power.
God is not just God of the UK, but the universe, and we will seek to be brave and kind as we represent Him in public life.
“The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” – Mark 12:31