Crown Jesus Ministries , Evangelical Alliance (NI) and Evangelical Alliance Ireland want to serve you this Christmas and have developed a 6 week programme called Joy to the World’; a toolkit of easy, do-able ideas, links, videos and resources to help you join others across Ireland in sharing Jesus this Christmas.

Now some of you maybe feel that evangelism isn’t really on your agenda right now but nothing unifies, energises and empowers the church quite like a missional focus.

Prayer (Sunday 15th November – Saturday 28th November)

2 weeks focus of praying for friends and family who are not-yet-Christians as well as our communities including the Health Service, government, businesses & schools etc. 

It includes at 24/7 on-line prayer room and Strava prayer-walking group.

Care (Sunday 29th November – Saturday 12th December)

2 weeks focusing on practical caring through use of our time, money and energy to love our neighbours. Move towards others to connect, as Jesus moved into our world and dwelt among us!

Share (Sunday 13th – Friday 25th December) 

A time set aside to intentionally share the good news of Jesus with those around us in creative ways. We even have free car window stickers to help share Joy to the World! 

The resources are available at https://​www​.crown​je​sus​.org/​c​h​r​i​stmas

What next?

Have a think about who you could join with on this 6 week journey – friends, work colleagues, family, small group, whole church, other local churches in the community?

- Check out the website and Sign up!

- Create a Joy to the World whatsapp group and get creative

- Download the pdfs for each section and stick it on the fridge, your desk, your car as a reminder

- Plug in to the Strava prayer walk link and prayer walk (use our EA resources)

- Be ready, be waiting, be watching to let God use you in what He is doing in the world

Let us know how your 6 week journey is going – share on social media and tag us in as we share the Joy to the World journey together.


Donna, Nick (EAI) and Mitch (Crown Jesus)

Finally this week:

The international day of prayer for the persecuted Church (IDOP) is this Sunday 15 November. The Evangelical Alliance, together with our friends at Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Release International and Open Doors have arranged an online prayer event for 7:30pm that evening. Again we’d really encourage you to make time to join us to pray for our brothers and sisters across the world at this time who are living under threat of persecution.