Evangelical Alliance South Asian Forum

Established in 2010, the South Asian Forum is an independent grouping within the Evangelical Alliance with its own officers and steering group of 10 church leaders headed by Ram Gidoomal and managed by the national co-ordinator Manoj Raithatha.The steering group believes that God desires to use the forum to respond to the need to bridge cultural divides by connecting, uniting and representing British South Asian Christians both in the UK church and the multicultural communities that they serve.It is also mindful of the pressures on Christians in South Asia, through persecution and the oppression of minorities and wants to provide an effective lobbying voice and forum for justice for all such people.

Stories from Evangelical Alliance South Asian Forum

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Resources from Evangelical Alliance South Asian Forum

Discovering Jesus Through Asian Eyes

Discovering Jesus Through Asian Eyes

Through a series of discussions from the Bible, this course seeks to lead Asians into a clearer understanding of Jesus and the Gospel.

Articles from Evangelical Alliance South Asian Forum

The ripples of mission

The ripples of mission

It’s the first ever Tamil Heritage Month – I'm reflecting on my heritage and the lesser-known Christians who brought the gospel to my ancestors
Evangelical Alliance South Asian Forum
God's call for innovators in the kitchen

God's call for innovators in the kitchen

Dayalan Mahesan from South Asian Forum explores what it means to be creative in our kitchens and innovative in our witness, based on the example of Jesus
Evangelical Alliance South Asian Forum