We each have a voice and how we use that voice to speak up for others matters. God uses His voice to speak up for the poor, vulnerable and marginalised in our society, and we are called to do the same. We care about issues of justice and inequality because God does; justice is at the heart of who God is. He calls us to be a voice for the vulnerable, a friend to the marginalised, and to seek out injustice and stand against it.
Poverty is a daily reality for many in the UK; and in a world which is richly blessed by God, we should not be content to see such poverty go unnoticed. We cannot allow excuses for inaction or turn a blind eye to those living and suffering in poverty.
The Evangelical Alliance advocates for the poor and the vulnerable by promoting policies and laws that will serve the poor, protect people from falling into poverty and help people lift themselves out of these situations. Our vision for a poverty free UK has informed our engagement in government consultations on gambling, discussions over the status of prostitution and those involved in it, and our work with charities around the UK to help the homeless, those without food and those in insecure work. It also inspires us as we encourage and equip the church in the UK to play its part in creating jobs and providing routes out of poverty.
“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” – Isaiah 1:17