Search results for Fred Drummond

Displaying 16-30 of 69 results found.

Wounded leadership series: Rest

Church and Christian leaders have shared with me that the pandemic has made them realise just how fast they were moving and how many things they were involved in. Coronavirus stripped away much of the activism and exposed their own spiritual poverty. Could it be that many of the plates you have…

8 June 2021
Fred Drummond

Wounded leadership series: Comparison

Maybe in the back of your mind that is the type of leader you wanted to be. Maybe that’s the image you compare yourself to, the image of a successful, driven spiritual leader. Maybe you make comparisons subconsciously. You look at the apparent list of gifts and successes and you just don’t measure…

8 June 2021
Fred Drummond

Wounded leadership series: Vulnerability

This season has been hugely challenging. For church leaders, the demands have been constant and complex, leaving many feeling useless and wracked with both frustration and exhaustion. I want to let you know that it’s okay to cry. Your tears are not a sign of weakness; they can be a sign of…

8 June 2021
Fred Drummond

Wounded leadership series: Waiting on God

However, I have learned the hard way that in church leadership sometimes waiting is more important than moving. God doesn’t always work to our timescale. This can be difficult for the many activists in the church. Have you ever noticed how often the words wait, remain and stay appear in the Bible?…

8 June 2021
Fred Drummond

What kind of follower?

The major point that came across was that it’s not easy to follow Jesus. The challenges are large and many. The benefits of His presence are huge. His grace and love and power are indescribably wonderful. But trying to stay close to Him and live in the radical manner He described is not easy. If…

6 January 2022
Fred Drummond

Joy comes in the morning

At another time, we prayed for the British royal family in their time of sorrow and mourning, asking that God might strengthen them. Rich or poor, influential or unknown, part of our human existence is that we all face mourning and sorrow. Nobody escapes tears, pain and a deep sense of loss. When I…

30 September 2022
Fred Drummond

Prayers during August 2020

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail, they are new every morning great is your faithfulness” - Lamentations 3:22-23 Most of us find change a challenge, yet it happens to all of us all the time. At the moment we are very conscious of the changes…

One Big Idea: Developing a theology and practice of lament

Why do I think that? I think we will be faced with lots of people of faith who are carrying wounds, doubts, pains, and sorrows that they have never experienced before. People who have not been able to say goodbye to people they loved, others who've not managed to get to a funeral, some who are…


It’s faith... but not as we know it. Or is it? We have gone through the emotional, spiritual and physical turmoil of a pandemic. We all live with the scars. We are experiencing a cost of living crisis and there is a horrific and barbaric war in Europe. How has all this affected our faith,…


We're passionate about helping Christians and churches share the love of Jesus across Scotland and speak up for Him in our society. We like networks. Being part of strong, active groups of Christians is important to us as we believe that as a church, we're better together. Over the years, we've…

Serve Scotland

Serve Scotland champions good practice, shared vision and unity to empower local churches, organisations and communities to bring positive, transformational change in the lives of individuals, communities, and the nation. Bethany Christian Trust, Glasgow City Mission, Blythswood Care, The Cinnamon…

Serve Scotland: MSPs commend work of faith groups in Scotland

Kate Forbes MSP has commended the work of church organisations and faith groups in a debate at Holyrood. MSPs heard that volunteers are giving almost £100m in time and resources each year to social action projects across Scotland. An exhibition on the work of Serve Scotland will run at Holyrood for…

17 September 2017
Alexandra Davis

Together serving Scotland

Around 30 MSPs attended a member’s business debate brought by Kate Forbes MSP to highlight the work of Serve Scotland, a coalition that Evangelical Alliance Scotland helps to facilitate. Serve Scotland brings together Christians who are passionate about social transformation in local communities…

28 September 2017
Kieran Turner

Prayer centre

There is nothing more exciting, or powerful, than Christians praying together. At the Evangelical Alliance, we are absolutely committed to prayer. We believe that as we seek God's face together, amazing things begin to take place.

What kind of nation?

Ahead of the independence referendum in 2014 the Evangelical Alliance Scotland launched a manifesto entitled What Kind of Nation? comprising 38 recommendations covering the four pillars of Scottish society – the economy, the family, civil society and the environment. A ruthless commitment to the…