Resources designed specifically to help you share the gospel with men.
Men stories

Jamie's Story
Stuck in a cycle of addiction, he hit rock bottom and started thinking about taking his own life. It was then that he met a friend who told him about Jesus.
Mark's Story
How growing up in a Christian home isn't a 'boring testimony' at all
Duncan's Story
Waking up after another drunken night, Duncan decided to read his bible and his life was never the same again...Men resources

Reach the men that don't go to church. CVM's Men DVD will give you ideas & help, to start up or refresh men's ministry in your church.
Who Let The Dads Out?
Who Let The Dads Out? inspires and equips churches for effective missional outreach to fathers, father figures and their children.
The Crazy Way booklet
The Crazy Way booklet is a bright, accessible & informative explanation of the Gospel, written for totally un-churched men.Men articles

It might not happen
Breaking the power of fear to stop us sharing Jesus at work
How to nail Father’s Day at your church
Nine no-brainers to make your service unmissable