
Different faiths

Tools helping you reach out to people from all faith backgrounds

Different faiths stories

Ram's Story | Simply Eat

Ram's Story | Simply Eat

Coming from a multi-faith background, Ram couldn't believe that God would offer to eat with him
Manoj's Story

Manoj's Story

In 2008 the mortgage market collapsed and Manoj's world started to crumble. Watch his story of becoming a follower of Jesus.
Balbinder's Story

Balbinder's Story

Balbinder could not find peace, despite trying all sorts of different ideas, until she met Jesus Christ.

Different faiths resources

Friendship First

Friendship First

An interactive, non-specialist course in 6 sessions, helping ordinary Christians share good news with ordinary Muslims through friendships
Discovering Jesus Through Asian Eyes

Discovering Jesus Through Asian Eyes

Through a series of discussions from the Bible, this course seeks to lead Asians into a clearer understanding of Jesus and the Gospel.
Mahabba Network

Mahabba Network

Get connected with prayer for Muslims locally and equipped to share Jesus in your Muslim community.

Different faiths articles

Are all welcome?

Are all welcome?

How to create a welcoming church for refugees and asylum seekers
Emily Holden Emily Holden
Different faiths
I met Jesus at a toddler group

I met Jesus at a toddler group

One mum's testimony of finding Jesus while seeking a community for her son...
Min Street
Early years
Cultivating a multicultural toddler group

Cultivating a multicultural toddler group

Top tips for creating a gospel-centred atmosphere in a multicultural or interfaith context
Chrishanthy Sathyaraj
Early years