// Encouraging reflections on making Jesus known

Easter on the go
Creative, fun, and craft-based ways to share the Easter journey with your family and community
Actors: worship leaders or evangelists?
Actor Stefan Smart explores how performing sets the stage to worship Jesus and make Him known
What's in your hands?
A conversation with Rachel Bourner about making the most of every gift in your church
Sea shanties: a new song for your city?
Joining with heaven's song of hope and restoration over our communities
Fostering hope in Bristol
How church unity facilitated care for vulnerable children during lockdown
How to plan student mission for 2021
Warmly welcoming students back after Christmas
Four safe ways to bless older people this Christmas
Tips on how we can love and support older people throughout the winter
How to run for Jesus in lockdown
The value of sport and wellbeing ministries for sharing Jesus in this season
People of prayer in places of pain
How Christians are called to partner in groaning (Romans 8) alongside their communities
Why save good news until last?
Good news stories from God's people on mission in Wales
Prayer walking on campus
Why prayer walking on university campuses can be so powerful
Listening well to the story of others
Sharing our faith is more about listening than talking
Sharing your faith – getting started is one of the hardest steps
Couch to 5k helps you to learn the importance of celebrating every small step
Sharing your faith with your friends during coronavirus
The most significant person in helping someone becoming a Christian is a friend